Sunday 7 February 2016

Fatal Errors When Measuring Gases

Fatal Errors When Measuring Gases

If you are required to measure gases in a space or tank or vessel, you need not to commit the following mistakes:
1- Being satisfied with one reading
Deep spaces require gas testing at least in three different levels namely the upper , middle and lower levels.
Being satisfied with one reading as av average is not correct. Please repeat your job considering three trials.
2- Faulty Technique
dragging the rubber tube from one level to another to take readings is not correct. You should consider each level as a separate trial. Get the tube disconnected, clean it with air flushing via the pneumatic gun, reset the gas tester and then insert the rubber tube to the destination level. Finally connect the other end of the rubber tube to the pump opening at the side of the gas detector and get the reading.
3- keeping the gas detector on the ON mode
It is a nother type of errors that should be avoided. You need three readings which are independent.

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