Sunday 7 February 2016

Causes of Forklift Accidents

Causes of Forklift Accidents

It is very hard to memorize a big list.However , it is very easy to remember ( HEET ) , where :
H stands for HUMAN Related Factor 
      1- Is the forklift operator trained?
      2- Is he certified?
     3- Is he oriented to time , place and person?
     4- Is he communicable via verbal and or non-verbal language with the others.
     5- Is he aware of team members, team leader and procedure ?
E stands for Equipment Related Factor
     1- Is the forklift inspected and certified by third party?
     2- Is the forklift stable, simple, suitable and safe? ( 4 Ss ).
E stands for Environment Related Factors
1- Physical Factors ; extreme of temperature, light and dimness, vibration, pressure and noise.
2- Chemical factors; presence of any toxic pollution with gases, liquids or particles.
3- Biological Factors; presence of any plants or animals hindering the operation.
4- Undesirable rains, winds, storms, TSUNAMI, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and volcanoes.
T task Related Factor 
1- Is the task simple or complicated?.
2- Is it covered by JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS?
3- Is the task very well explained to team members and team leaders?
4- Is the task routine or non-routine activity?
IF you consider the four elements of HEET in the Pre-Job Safety Meeting, I am quite sure that the probability of an accident will greatly decline.
Good luck with my ACRONYM ( HEET ) .

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